CEO Greetings
We provide optimum solution for mobility.
We provide optimized IT solutions and services to our customers.
Mobility information service is growing rapidly as cutting-edge IT technologies are applied.
With source data processing technology, meaningful data production, suitable content development, and diversification of information distribution methods, accurate information delivery of services, information processing capabilities, and smart UI are becoming issues.
Therefore, Formax Network is an IT specialized company that provides optimal solutions to customers based on accumulated experiences and specialized technologies in basic analysis and processing of various data such as traffic data, TPEG, and LBS.
As a strong company with passion, challenge, and problem-solving ability, we will do our best for a better IT-based future society by doing our duty with a dynamic work posture and sharing values and dreams with our customers.
Thank you.
Kim Jeong-ho, CEO of Formax Network Co., Ltd.